Monday, June 26, 2006


just thought I'd post this pic - megan and leah came down for the weekend. megan went back up to san fran and leah is staying with some friends around LA. Julie came for an Alpha Gamm convention and is goin to stay in LA for the week. I got to go pick her up at Union Station from her train ride from Palm Springs. It was the first time I have ridden the subway - it was really nice and clean,I'll prob. start using that some more. the station is only 4 blocks away.

I went to my first class today - Lighting Design - it's an Interior Design class, so I'm the only guy, but it's not a bad thing. We did learn a lot about color temp and CRI(color rendering index). I think I'll really enjoy the class. I also saw a major film today - I saw equipment on a bridge over the 10 freeway and I'll pulled off and checked it out. It was a huge production - I couldn't get close due to the street closure.

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Friday, June 23, 2006

Prayer Warrior Film

Check out some pics of the shoot we were workin on yesterday - HERE

Also, you can check out the film's website - HERE

I'm the 2nd A.D. for the film and Eric is the camera Operator - so we each have some pretty important jobs. We ran a little behind yesterday, as all non-union films do on the first day. But we did just make it a 12 hour day - we go in today at 9:30 am, probably won't get done until 9:30 or 10:00 pm.

I tried to post the callsheet on here in .pdf but I'm not sure if it worked
Click HERE to try - let me know if it worked. You can right click and select "save target as" and it will work then.


Thursday, June 22, 2006


So we start filming this morning - I'll take some pics today. I worked about 12 hours yesterday, we had a lot to do before the shoot. I went and picked up one of the actresses from the Burbank Airport and took her to the Director's House - she said she was in an episode of Sex and the City. Oh and yesterday as we were unloading some grip equipment, Jay Leno drove by in one of his old cars. He keeps his cars in a wearhouse down the street from our headquarters for the film. So he and some other guys were driving a car that looked to be from the 1930's. It was smoking pretty bad and didn't have a top on it - but it looked really nice and expensive. Everything is going well - it's funny because everytime I open my browser, I can see the weather for Tupelo, MS and Los Angeles, CA. As you can see, I'm not really missing the weather from back home. It's nice here and the sun is always out. The only thing is the smog - it gets a little thick here almost everyday. I can always tell because if it's a clear day, I can see the Hollywood sign from my window. Got to run!


p.s. We didn't get blown away

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


... a long-range North Korean missile capable of hitting Alaska and even Los Angeles...

hmmmm check it out HERE

My friend, Jessica, called today and asked if I knew about the possible missile coming from North Korea. Well no, I didn't. My news comes from either my mom or these random statements. So I researched it and even if something is fired - there's a huge defense system in effect from Pres. Bush. NOT SAYING IT WOULD WORK - Missile Defense says that these anti-missile devices just came out of test mode. Anyways - "he's got the whole world in his hands"

Eric and I put in about a 10 hour day - we got a lot done and got to set up the camera and stuff. I also got to go into the warehouse to get the lighting equipment ... this place is full of stuff and the guys that work there are pretty cool. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We had Bible study tonight...we were so tired that we thought about not going, but we really wanted to. Gald we did - A girl gave her testimony, it was really cool to see the path that God has led her on...Defiantly some ruff spots but it made her who she is today.

Not much goin on...just busy. Starting to film on Thursday until July 1. I'll get some pics.


Monday, June 19, 2006

It's getting busy

so yesterday, as you can see, I climbed Mt. Lee - which is where the Hollywood Sign is. FACT: the sign use to read HOLLYWOOD LAND until LAND fell down for some reason. yeah It was pretty cool because it kinda felt like MS or AL. Hiking and stuff. The only thing was is that there were over 12 million people surrounding me - more than Mississippi and Alabama combined. but for a short time I got to feel seclusion, something that's hard to find out here.

So I got an internship with this lighting company today - I LOVE LIGHT DESIGN - so this should really help. The website is HERE I'll be working for John Morgan - he's done a load of stuff. Olympic Games, Regis and Kelly, David Copperfield, three Superbowls, etc... So this guy really has some powerful work - plus he's won a couple of Emmy's for Lighting Design.

Jason and Ana are asleep right now - they are leaving in the morning to head back to Mississippi. We really had a lot of fun - as you can see below we buried jason in the sand - stupid stuff of course. It was fun getting to hand out with him - we both just have the same "let's do it" attitude. We have a ton of stories where the ending didn't exactly turn out the way we planned it. It's crazy to see how we are growing up - we're now experiencing the times that we use to talk about in our tent while on boy scout trips. It's cool to see how God is using us for his Glory - we just have to stay on that path.

ok to explain some pics above :

downtown la reminds me of new york city a lot - kinda like i get to experience the East and West coast at the same time.

I washed my truck in the parking garage - i found a water hose and decided to use it, i accidentally sprayed water into the street and almost hit a guy, you just don't think about that stuff living in the south. People are everywhere here!

beach photos - Jason in the sand

that one pic is a view from my apartment at sunset - not bad on a clear day

at my work I had to make a mannequin - so we used duck tape around a t-shirt then cut it up the back and wa-la .... The art director found it on the internet.

yeah the one with the cars - we went to eat the other night and a bike rally just happened to be taking place. When we parked there were a lot of bikes but when we were leaving, they over took us. Hundreds of motorcycles had blocked us in. so about 40 min. later security had helped move a ton of bikes so we could back out - it was fun.

I've been working at the studio last week and this week - we begin shooting on Thursday until July 1 then I begin the internship, I call it an internship, but I'm not getting a credit because I don't want to pay money for a credit I already have from working at Highland. Ok hope all is well



im slakin i know.... promise i post something tonight
check it out - we just put up a promo video


Friday, June 16, 2006

Jason/Ana in LA

Here are some pics - I will write later.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

title goes here

howdy -

Monday, June 12, 2006

star struck

Well well's been a slow weekend. Friday we had a class offered to us by the film we will be working on next week. We learned a lot about lighting and cameras. Mostly we learned about the Redrock 35mm adapter; basically this thing is placed on a ditigal camera and makes it look like a film camera. It's a pretty expensive piece of equipment, but of course it's a heck of a lot cheaper than a film camera. I hate to say it, but I really think I learned more in that day then I did in two semesters of ADVANCE FILM PRODUCTION I and II at UNA. The films director is a pretty cool Christian. The company is Jargon Entertainment WEBSITE they have some really nice facilities and also a lighting company based out of their building; comes in handy when making a film. They called me today and asked if I could come in tomorrow to help with some pre-production work.

Saturday we didn't do a thing. We went to eat somewhere downtown and saw a couple of films being made. We drove a little east and saw a community of homeless, it was pretty sad. There were tents and buggys everywhere, one street looked like a block party because it was so full. We saw someone peeing on the street, ON THE STREET, not aiming at a wall but on the sidewalk peeing into the road. Of course as we parked a guy asked us for money. It always seems as though people that need money are from the south. They tell us their story without asking our permission and when we tell them we're from the South as well, we're brothers. It's an instant connection. After dinner we went to McDonalds to get some ice cream and there was a guy in servere pain laying in the middle of the drive through. We had no idea what to to, the manager came out and got the parking lot officer over to assist. No one knew what was the matter with him, it looked as if he was having a heart attack. So after we knew that we were no help, we back up and went inside. We were the only White Americans, and there were at least 50 people in line. So we left and tried the drive through again; this time they had pulled the man into the parking lot. We concluded the night with an episode of LOST, well maybe two episodes.

Today we got up and did nothing until this afternoon. We went to work out and then to church at 7 pm. Moasic was really good, always, then we went with some friends from the Bible Study to eat. We went to this place called "The Grove", it was really cool, kinda like a BIG outdoor shopping center, really nice. We went to a place called Wood Brick, I think, kinda like a nicer Logan's. A lot nicer. Anyways, Mr. Adam Sandler was sitting behind us. Yeah that was cool seeing him. He was with his wife and kid, I guess. We had a table of 12 I think and he told us "Bye" as he left. I guess he knew we were kinda looking. A lot of the guys at the study work at the Beverly Hills Hotel as valets and they see him like everyday, as well as a lot of other celebs. So that concluded the night.

Tomorrow I'm goin into Jargon at 10 am and Tuesday we're meeting with A.D. Oppenhiem for lunch. He was the director for the "Keeping up with the Stiens" film. Jason Banks is coming o Tuesday as well, that'll be a hoot. Oh and I bought a camera, a good one so now I'm sure I'll post pics more. It should be here by Thursday. Well hope all is well is everyone. I haven't talked to my boss Ronnie yet, but I'm pretty sure he has a son-in-law now, so congrats to him. He had a great idea for the stage of the wedding, so I really want to see some pictures. I get alot of ideas for The Well out here, I'll have to jot them down so I don't forget. RAMBELING - goodnight

every time i try to spell check, my computer freezes up - just an excuse not to do it

Friday, June 09, 2006

what a day

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Today was crazy - above is a pic of me walking down the red carpet. People were cheering and flashing cameras - It was great!! Until the officer escorted me away. Ok, really I had to cross the carpet and I took the picture while crossing. The Lifetime achievement Awards were tonight at the Kodak Theatre, hints the red carpet. You can read more about it HERE. It was pretty cool seeing all the press and lights. I did see George Lucus, past recipient, and James Earl Jones, while waiting in line for the Jimmy Kimmel Show (across the street).

We got on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, not sure if you could see us or not - we watched some of it when we got home, but LOST was more important. We did record it though. Actress Rosie Perez , Director Jared Hess, and Rapper Busta Rhymes were on the show. We almost got put up front, but we didn't know Kimmel's nickname. ???
Busta Rhymes performed outside - it was like a private concert - only like 200 people. It was funny because there were a lot of white people - but we still got into it because it was TV. They really pep you up during commercials.

On another note, I got hired onto a film called "Prayer Warrior" WEBSITE It's a feature being filmed in Burbank - we get paid after the movie makes profit. Eric was originally hired on the film and I emailed and asked it I could work too - it's a Christian film. We get to attend a film class tomorrow at 9am - it's kind of a thank you from the company doing the film. The film starts on the 22 of June and goes until the beginning of July. A lot of special effects are involved so it should be interesting to see how some stuff is done.

I also got a call this morning about a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) film. The position is to be hired as Assistant Director - a pretty big job, but I said "why not apply", what's it goin to hurt. My appointment is Saturday at 12:30 pm. Also I received an email about an Assistant Director for a film called Erased. WEBSITEI have replied to their email with some references, they want me to be involved in the auditions of actors as well. I'll let you know more.

So that's about it. I realized tonight how much I love lighting. Eric keeps telling me it was the first thing God created, so it must be important. Good thinking. I emailed a professor today at UCLA to ask if I could sit in on her Lighting Design class, the class doesn't end until mid-September, so it would be pointless to pay $500. She is the lighting designer for the Hollywood Bowl, etc... Entertainment Lighting Services (ELS) is a great lighting company I've found out here, they did all of the stuff tonight for the red carpet event. Their website has some amazing designs.

Ok, I'm tired. Goodnight and God Bless.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

close one...

howdy howdy -
i hope people are reading these things - i guess i'll have to put more personal things. number 1 - i hate living with eric herron, he's obnoxious, boring, messey, etc... ok i'm just kidding - he's even working on the messey part. we have a lot of fun, i'm sure his girlfriend gets a little jelous that i get to spend so much time with him. love ya anna. yesterday we pushed each other down the hall in my desk chair, eric forgot to apply the breaks and hit the wall pretty hard, he said he didn't want carpet burn on his feet. he's ok. we've also gotten pretty hard core about the tv series LOST. we get to watch it commercial free and anytime we want because eric downloaded it. yesterday we watched four episodes. it's pretty intense. we also worked out yesterday, the apartments have a small workout room, so we thought we'd use it. maybe you'll be able to see a difference in late August.
on another note eric and I worked on a full length film yesterday morning. man was this a lesson learned. we woke up at 5:30 am because crew call was at 7 am in Long Beach. we drove up and i knew it was a smaller type film then what i've previously worked on, but it doesn't mean we still can't learn a thing or two. they had told us it was a spoof on reality television called Zombie TV. we went in and everything seemed fine, we immediatly started working. like an hour or two later we began filming. ok, first i knew this film was a piece of crap when i saw the make up on one of the zombies; it looked like a second grade play. white make up with red lines and the gaffer even had some green light on them. horrible. i began reading the script and saw that it had some nudity in it. i looked over at eric and motioned for him to read it. when the filming began, a scene of two zombies were in an argument. THEY SAID "ARGG" TO EARCH OTHER. yes people the writer had the zombies "argging" at one another - not in english. STUPID STUPID STUPID. i knew that i didn't want my name on the credits of something like this. we worked until lunch. eric ran the fog machine and i boomed. we did meet some cool people, the black guy and his dad (chef), it just wasn't the place for us. so we ate the free lunch and told the guy that we had prior engagement and had to leave. at least we got something out of it. eric really wanted to stay for the strip scene, but i was there to help him from falling. jk just glad they didn't shoot any stuff like that yesterday morning. so we came back to the apartment and applied for jobs once again. eric got a PA job for a film called "the wager" it's based on a christian author's book, so it should be good and he gets $50 bucks a day, it doesn't start until late july, i think. we also made tacos last night, i felt like that would help us fit in with the surroundings.

here are some pics i've taken.

one of our apartment from outside, i believe madonna was playing at the staples center this night. the center looked really cool, lights everywhere and helicopters all over. THERE ARE A LOT OF HELICOPTERS IN THIS CITY! a lot
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here is a pic from this cafe thing we went to the other night. Aj Santos from Florence was in town and we hung out with him. we went to his cousins soroity thing. we were the only white people there, but it was cool. it was a phillipino sorority.
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so we went to the grocery store after the cafe thing. this place is right by our apartment. everything was in spanish. we were getting some ground beef and we saw these wonderful cow legs below. we got two.
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we're goin to the carson daly show tonight and then bible study.
